14k Business Solutions

10 Tactics for Creating SEO Friendly Content

The key to having good, attractive content is to make it SEO-friendly, but creating SEO-friendly content often requires time and effort. However, if you do it right it is absolutely worth it! The main objective of Search Engine Optimization is to attract traffic to a website by improving the quality of the content and making the website more visible. Here are 10 Tactics to help you create SEO-friendly content.

1- Audience Targeted Content

The first goal is to satisfy your audience; you need to focus your content on your targeted audience and keep it relevant to the industry. Not only should your content be interesting and informative, but it should also be very specific to your brand and target audience.

2- Keywords Research and Optimization

To optimize your targeted keywords, you first need to carry out thorough research on the relevant keywords. You can choose the right keywords, using the following markers;

  1. It is important to understand your audience, therefore having insight into the searcher’s intent is very helpful in choosing the right keyword.
  2. Research upon pre-existing keywords and use your resources to create content that is competitive and unique.
  3. Calculate the number of times a specific keyword is being used within a certain time frame.
  4. People tend to use long-tail keywords when looking for something specific, if your audience falls into that category then use such keywords!

3- Attractive SEO Titles

The first thing a user notices is the title; therefore, your titles should be attractive and informative. Your major keywords should be present in the title and it should be within 60 characters. Moreover, the contents of the blog should be accurately captured in the title.

4- Structured Articles

A user is more likely to read your blog if it’s well structured and efficient. An article should be broken down into smaller paragraphs with catchy subheadings that act as guidelines for the reader. Moreover, your content should have a high “readability”; the content is readable when it’s well organized and conveys all the important information in a comprehensive way.

5- Meta Description

The meta description is the summary of your article which is displayed on the main Google web page. The readers will be attracted to your blog if the meta description is interesting and informative; the meta description should have the relevant keywords that attract the targeted audience.

6- Use of Imagery

Using relevant images and optimizing them is a great way to attract traffic. You need to insert proper Alt text and descriptive titles that properly capture your brand. Search engines use descriptions and Alt texts to understand the subject matter and display it to the correct audience.

7- Internal Linking for SEO

You can use your posts to promote your own website and other related articles- this decreases the bounce rate and makes sure that a user spends more time on your website. This helps with content sharing, and if you get creative you can also promote other content such as videos, infographics, etc.

8- Optimal Word Count

Make sure the word count is within the required range for google search engines; it should be at least 500 and a maximum of 2000. However, quality over quantity is the rule for creating SEO-friendly content because if your content isn’t useful and comprehensive then no user is going to stick around!

9- Social Media

Social Media share buttons are a great way to increase traffic to ensure that users can easily find the share buttons on your website!

10- Mobile-Friendly Content

SEO-friendly content must be convenient for mobile users because mobile/tablet internet usage is at 56% globally and is expanding. Your website layout and navigation system should be simple enough to be easily accessible to mobile/tablet devices.

Follow these essential tips to boost your engagement and create good content that leads to an increase in visitors and shares.



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